The Port of Newcastle is lit up with Coolon luminaires.
View ProjectCoolon XBlade 480w installed in a ROM lighting application on a site in Hunter Region, NSW.
DLK2S & DLK3 fittings installed on an ammonium nitrate facility in NSW.
XBLADE 480W installed on the skyline with asymmetrical optics, designed to minimize light pollution and glare while providing focused, efficient illumination."
A range of DLK2s, EMDLK2s, TNRs and EMTNR2s installed across walkways and stairwells on a gold mine in WA.
A range of Coolon industrial luminaires installed on a mining site in Hunter Valley, NSW.
Coolon DLK, DLK2 and EMDLK2 are illuminating nickel mine facilities in Western Australia.
A range of Coolon luminaires installed on various port facilities on Iron Ore mine.
Coolon industrial luminaires installed on a copper mine in North Queensland.
A range of Coolon luminaires installed in port facilities on a salt mine in North WA.
Coolon luminaires installed on a stockpile and a bulldozer. It's great to see mobile and fixed plant illuminated by Coolon side by side!
Coolon DLKs installed on a large conveyor belt in Coastal Pilbara.
A nickel smelter at Kalgoorlie is lit up with a range of efficient and reliable Coolon luminaires.
Port lighting on an iron ore mine carried out in turtle-friendly amber to protect local wildlife.
Several applications on an iron ore mine are illuminated by Coolon fittings.
Coolon DLKs light up a major conveyor belt on a port facility near Karratha.