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CP66 Generic Lighting Tower Lighting Design Simulation Report
This Lighting Design Simulation Report shows how Coolon CP56 LED Floodlight can transform such a generic mining equipment as a Lighting Tower.

CP66 Generic Lighting Tower Lighting Design Simulation Report

Industrial machinery lighting design

Industrial lighting is more than mere illumination of surroundings. When engineered for a purpose and manufactured to perfection, industrial lighting can improve the safety, performance and efficiency of any application it's installed in.

This Lighting Design Simulation Report shows how Coolon CP66 LED Floodlight can transform such generic mining equipment as a Lighting Tower. Pushing lumens for metres ahead, Coolon industrial lighting improves visibility, safety and efficiency of the operation on a mine site. 


Maximized efficiency

Creating an individual lighting design for a particular application maximises its efficiency and performance.

Individually tailored design

This Lighting Design Simulation Report shows how Coolon CP56 LED Floodlight can transform such a generic mining equipment as a Lighting Tower.

With over 30 years of experience, hundreds of visited mining and industrial sites all over Australia and thousands of fittings working successfully in the field, we create unique individual lighting designs to suit your particular application.

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