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Government praises Coolon innovation and R&D

05 • 03 • 2014
Last edited 03 • 12 • 2020

MP Anthony Byrne commended Coolon’s commitment to innovation and R&D investment in a speech to Parliament, describing the company as “amazing” and “innovative”

In his speech, MP Byrne praised Coolon; “I want to say how proud I am of this company and its people, because the products from its research are now used on a daily basis around the world”. MP Byrne went on to describe the sophisticated nature of Coolon’s LED lights, highlighting their energy efficiency and durability. 

He went on to applaud Coolon’s success despite the challenging economic environment, citing Coolon’s research and innovation as the driving forces of success.

"Our job at any sort of level of government is to provide support to these sorts of companies because they are the way of the future" Byrne said.

This speech is a great indicator our growth and success since starting in Oakleigh in 2001. Government recognition and support is a major milestone for us that shows that Coolon is moving in the right direction with our commitment to innovation and investing in R&D to deliver sophisticated products. We are extremely grateful for MP Byrne’s call for more opportunities to be provided for our company will hopefully pave the way for more Coolon involvement in public projects in the future.

We will continue to pursue excellence as we strive to deliver creative LED lighting solutions.

For the full speech go to MP Byrne’s website.

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