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Lighting upgrade for VicTrack

09 • 11 • 2021
Last edited 30 • 11 • 2021

Dynon Freight Terminal Lighting Upgrade


VicTrack Yard is an important freight facility and a crucial link in the Victorian supply chain. The existing HPS lamps installed many years ago were failing to provide adequate lighting levels, and were affecting overall visibility and productivity. Nightshift personnel had to rely on in-built mobile equipment lights and auxiliary lights, which delayed tasks and increased eye fatigue.



Considering the height of the poles and the operationally disruptive nature of installing and maintaining lights, VicTrack needed a reliable solution that would ensure uninterrupted operations for years, without need for maintenance. Coolon performed a lighting audit and created a comprehensive lighting design, recommending the use of the XBLADE™ 480W.

Download the detailed case study and explore the project

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