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Thermal Management: Let’s Have a Look

14 • 09 • 2021
Last edited 24 • 05 • 2022

One of the most common reasons for LED failure is overheating. The junction temperature on the chip can never exceed a certain level or the LED will get damaged and start to permanently degrade. Working on architectural projects, where most of the delicately planned lighting designs are located outside, it is crucial to install reliable fittings that will deliver stunning performance even after years of working under the hot sun.

This is why at Coolon, we developed luminaires that feature passive and active thermal management, ensuring years of predictable performance and beautiful lighting.

Watch the video below and learn more about the amazing technology of Thermal Management and how Coolon uses it to deliver the ultimate quality and superior product to our customers.


Council House Perth footage

Client - City of Perth
Lighting design - Norman Disney & Young
Electrical Contractor - Insight Electrical
Technology Partner - Lighting Options Australia
Video footage - Osprey Creative

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