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15 • 03 • 2022
Last edited 16 • 01 • 2025

Amber LED Lighting. Illuminating your site. Saving baby turtles.

Saving Earth one turtle at a time.

The white light that is normally used on mining facilities is detrimental for the newly hatched baby turtles on nearby beaches. Once hatched, the turtles navigate their way to the ocean following the moonlight reflected on the waves, but the bright artificial light disorientates them away from the water, causing death.

To avoid that, we have specifically designed a variation of our fittings in Amber that is in the region of their lowest visual sensitivity.

Humans can see the site, turtles can see the moon, and everyone is in the win.

How does it work?

Baby turtles are thrown in at the deep end from the moment they hatch. Even digging out of the nest is a group effort that takes the newborn siblings several days to complete. The real danger, however, is making their way to the ocean. Once its head is out of the sand, a baby turtle will search for the lowest point of light, which, for centuries has been the moonlight reflected on the ocean waves. With the advance of human technology, however, there are many other sources of bright artificial light that disorientates them away from the water.

Wherever possible, it is best not to install artificial lighting at nesting places at all, but in some cases, it's simply not feasible to get rid of lighting altogether.

That's where amber lighting comes in.

Amber luminaires produce light in 595-nanometer wavelength, which is deemed to be less visible to Sea Turtles than any other form of artificial light, while still providing enough illumination to keep the site personnel safe and alert.

Have it both ways with
Brilliant Connected Lights

Coolon Brilliant Connected Lights can balance the needs of site personnel and wildlife, being able to provide crisp white light for people, and automatically switch back to amber lighting to minimise disturbance on nocturnal wildlife when no people are detected in near proximity.

Learn more about Brilliant Connected Lights

There is no limit to perfection

To preserve the environment and save the endangered sea turtles, we must always strive to do more. Even though amber lights is the least visible for turtles, it can still be detrimental when used in large amounts and/or poorly mounted. To ensure that your coastal facilities cause no harm to local sea life, visit the link below and learn how you can improve your practice.

Learn more

So many lights. So many turtles.

Hundreds of visited sites. Thousands of insightful conversation. Countless units working successfully in the field.

To Sum Up



Turtle-friendly Amber light is more environmentally conscious as it lays in the sea turtles' lowest visual sensitivity. For best results, the fittings require specific mounting angles.




While optimized to conserve the sea turtles' hatching cycles, Coolon amber luminaires always deliver sufficient lumen levels to keep the facilities safe and comfortable for human personnel.




Built specifically to operate in the harshest conditions of a mining site, our fittings feature high IP and impact ratings, power surge protection, and emergency back up batteries in case of a power outage.




We offer a wide range of fittings with a turtle-friendly amber version. Regardless of your specific site, application and conditions, we have your perfect lighting solution.


Choose your champion

To ensure we can deliver your perfect lighting solution, we offer most of our fittings in turtle-friendly amber. Below are our featured luminaires that are most commonly selected for the Turtle-Friendly Amber applications.

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